Urheimat - Volanie Havranov (Full​-​length, 2009)

by Karpathia

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Sagoth thumbnail
Sagoth Synphonic/melodic black metal the early days style. With murky production, tons of keyboards, shrieks and tremolo picking Karpathia delivers a solld BM album.
It's not ground breaking nor innovative in anyway, but it's a great listen non the less.
Check this one out! Favorite track: Stronghold Of Wotan's Wolves.
Jordan Vauvert
Jordan Vauvert thumbnail
Jordan Vauvert Karpathia sort Urheimat - Volanie Havranov... en 2009 mais ce premier album de black metal symphonique frappe l'oreille par sa production volontairement datée, comme s'il sortait tout droit des années 90. Cris écorchés et chants païens, Synthé omniprésent et gothique, riffs à la vitesse vertigineuse... L'objectif est clair : Karpathia fait une dédicace très fidèle à l'œuvre d'Emperor, quitte à ne pas chercher l'originalité à proprement parler. En tout cas, les bons moments sont très nombreux ! Favorite track: Stronghold Of Wotan's Wolves.
Ako aj minulosť tak aj dnešok je otrokom prastarých dní Tak ako čas ani krv nezabúda... ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “Ancient Blood” As the past so is the present bound to ancient days Thus, as does time, blood does not forget...
Súmrak svetov, bolesť v tvojich žilách, končí sa život, necítiš strach. Bojové pole posiate mečmi, stratených duší mŕtvych bratov. S posledným lúčom slnka. Krvavý západ slnka s dotykom smrti, umiera telo, kým činy sú večné. Duša v objatí čiernych poslov, odchádza s výdychom tvojho tela. Oči uprené do diaľav horizontu, hrdosť a česť umierať za nesmrteľnosť. Cesta predkov je na krídlach havranov, telo zaspáva pod koreňmi dubov. Duch bude večný v hrdinských skutkoch, s posledným výdychom tvojho tela.
Pocit mrazu na tvojej koži, chladný závan smrti z hôr. Karpatská hmla hľadá tvoju dušu ukrytú v prírode, v objatí lesných tvorov. Šepot stromov v žiare nekonečných hviezd. Svit mesiaca na krídlach čiernych havranov. V pustinách lesov a nekonečných plání, v objatí duchov prírody. Tajomstvá lesa, zahalené večnosťou prichádzajú v objatí mrazivej tmy. Vstúp do krajiny stratených duší.
Popolom ku novým počiatkom Ohňom bolesti Plameňmi boja a očisty Duchom náreku cti Cestou, spojení svetlam Rokov o ruke so silami tmy Hodnoty nad hodnoty a povstávať z ruiny V snahe k ušľachtilosti sa vnútorne priblížili Pohanským duchom Bojovať vôľou V objatí časov Slovanskou krvou Čistota bez čistoty a jednota bez jednoty Činmi, nie falošnými slovami Popolom ku novým počiatkom Ohňom bolestí Plameňmi boja a očisty Duchom náreku cti Zámkom vlastného Ja Odpútané okovy ducha Počiatkom ku horizontom Skloniť sa pred mocným Slnkom! ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “The downfall - Towards a New Beginning” By ashes of old towards new begging By fiery pain By flames of battle and purity By cry of honour of those that were slam Standing on the path united by light Hand in hand with the cloak of the dark Virtues over values thus being born from the ruin One with the noble, thus becoming By spirit of the heathen By struggle of the will By our Slavonic blood In embrace of what once had been Purity without purity and unity without unity Not by the false words but by deeds of flesh By ashes of old towards new begging By fiery pain By flames of battle and purity By cry of honour of those that were slam With the downfall of the piece of one's self releasing the spirit's shackles that held With the beginning towards horizon To bow before the almighty Sun!
Z prastarej vlasti počuť volanie Na kridlach čiernych havranov Z pod korún stromov a lesov Vyjú vlci svoju hymnu noci Šepot riek a bystrín Jas tisícov hviezd Mohutné konáre veľkého dubu Videl som odraz svojho osudu Volanie havranov Letia s poslaním Nekonečných plání Tam kde vietor stráca života nádych Volanie zlomilo okovy slobody Uzrel zrak Urheimat... ENGLISH TRANSLATION: “The Call of Ravens” From ancient land there is a call on wings of black ravens from the embrace of trees and woods the wolves howl their hymn of night The whispers of rivers and streams the glimmering shine of thousands of stars in the mighty branches of an ancient oak I saw the mirror of my destiny The Call of Ravens They fly with a chosen path of the endless plains where wind loses it breath their call broke the chains of freedom Then I saw the Urheimat...


Debut full-length album of Slovak black metal band Karpathia originally released on CD by Morbid Winter records in 2009. Digitally released by Tryzna prod. on 24.14.2015 with a bonus "Ancient Queen (Emperor Cover)" originally released on "Official Tribute to Emperor - In Honour of Icon E" by Tryzna prod. in cooperation with Metal Swamp in 2012 with an unreleased cover of the introduction originally created by Mortiis.

Translation of the album title: "Urheimat - The Call of Ravens"

Translation of the song titles:

1. Ancient Blood
2. Forgotten Values
3. Stronghold of Wotan's Wolves
4. With the Last Ray of Sun
5. In the Flame of Forgotten Truth
6. Carpathian Mist
7. The Break of Dawn over Silvery Land
8. The Downfall - Towards new Beginning
9. Urheimat - The Call of Ravens


released December 24, 2015


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Tryzna Production Slovakia


Tryzna Production started in the year 2008 and stopped issuing records in a physical format in 2019.

Since then it has focused solely on releasing digital versions of Slovak black and death metal albums.

With this site we aim to give an insight into the Slovak black metal scene.
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